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A panel of judges who are all volunteers drawn from the committee of North West in Bloom together with other professionals with either horticultural or environmental experience, will assess each entrant.


The current judges are:


Amanda Ackroyd

Imran Aslam

Russell Baguley

David Bielawski

John Bilsborough

Bec Blakeley

Mark Brazil

Ruth Burgess

Brendan Cook (Treasurer)

Sandra Crisp

Graham Curwen
Roy Down

David Elphinstone

John Everiss

Pauline Gillett

Anne Gunning

Neil Harvey

Sue Jeffries

Mel Kirby



Jason Lambert

Julie Livesey

Maxine Lord

Stephen Lowe

Sharon Martin

Suzanne McCumisky

Adam Nagy

Julie Norman

Bernard Pendleton (Chairman)

Steve Perkins

Clare Platt

Teresa Potter

Linda Riess

John Shepley

Bernard Sheridan

Andrew Thomas

Sarah Urmson

Mark Wilde

Tracey Williams

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